The Clock is Ticking

Taxation of Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance, such as Whole Life or Universal Life, has long been accepted as a tax efficient way of accumulating cash for future needs. Soon the amount of funds that can be tax sheltered within a life insurance policy will be reduced by new tax rules which take effect January 1, 2017. These changes may make 2016 the best year to buy cash value life insurance.

Can Probate Be Avoided?

Executors often find that the probate process can be both…

Shared Ownership Critical Illness

Shared Ownership Critical Illness- Corporate Extraction Method

Is It Time For Your Insurance Audit?

Has it been awhile since you last looked at your insurance portfolio? Are you a little vague in your recollection of all the coverage you have and why you have it? Are you uncertain as to whether or not your portfolio reflects your current situation? Just like going to the dentist for regular checkups is a necessary evil, reviewing your financial plan and products on a regular basis is also recommended. Circumstances can change over time and making sure your protection is keeping pace is a worthwhile exercise.

Get Your Corporate Dollars Doing Double Duty

Owners of very successful private corporations are well aware of the importance of cash flow. Many are protective of how they allocate corporate capital so that business ventures are adequately funded and investment opportunities are not missed.

Family Business Planning Strategies

If you are an owner in a family enterprise, the likelihood of your business successfully transitioning to the next generations is not very good. This has not changed over the years. Statistics show a failure rate of: 67% of businesses fail to succeed into the second generation 90% fail by the third generation With 80% to 90% of all enterprises in North America being family owned, it is important to address the reasons why transition is difficult.


RRSP or TFSA? What's the difference? With the RRSP deadline around the corner, we're here to help you figure out where you should invest.